Fun Friday, Focus on your child

 I love this little newsletter that we get from Focus on your Family.  It is full of encouraging stories and wonderful advice for Christian parents.

You also get 4 CDs a year with great content, kinda like your very own radio broadcast with parenting/marriage advice.  Love it!

If you are a parent and would like to start these in the mail, leave me a comment or email me at hollybirdy2 @ (no spaces).  I am will buy a  membership for one of you as a blog give away!

3 Responses to “Fun Friday, Focus on your child”

  1. OH! Oh! OH! Pick me..pick me…! I need all the help I can get!
    Glad you all are back safely!

  2. hollybirdy Says:

    Great Amy…you’ve got it! And I already have your address…how handy is that!

  3. aascifres Says:

    WOW ! Thanks!!! Your the greatest in all the land! 🙂
    I’m the winner…
    I’m the winner..

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